Monday, 12 May 2014

Lasagna Rolls

Guess what!! I tried not one, but TWO new recipes this weekend!! All for you, my loyal readers. All for you.

...Ok, ok, a little bit for me as well. I am having so much fun in the kitchen! Of course, not everything is as successful as I would like it to be, but you can't win at everything.

For instance, this weekend I was a much bigger fan of one of the recipes than I was of the other. And because I'm just THAT excited about it, I've decided to share it first.

Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Meatloaf Cupcakes

Last night, I was feeling a bit adventurous, and decided it was time to try out another new recipe!

Can you guess where I found my inspiration? Pinterest! Could it be anywhere else? Unlikely.

My Mini Lasagnas (also known as Lasagna Cupcakes) have been such a HUGE success that I thought I would see what other little treasures I could make using my muffin tins. There are actually quite a few different options out there! But, based on what I had going on in the fridge, I decided on Meatloaf Cupcakes.

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Strawberry Cheesecake Muffins

As promised, I have returned to the kitchen!

Based on our schedules, we stuck with some of the basics for dinner this week - pork chops, tacos, nothing too crazy. But still delicious! So when the weekend came around I was determined to get back to baking!

For no real reason at all, I decided that I wanted to make muffins. So I headed over to my favorite time-waster, Pinterest, and came across a recipe for Strawberry Cheesecake Muffins that both myself and my SO were happy to settle on!