Thursday, 26 September 2013

Shall We Try This Again?

Well, I think it is safe to say I have not been a 5 star blogger so far! It's a darn good thing this isn't my job. Although I suppose nobody can really fire you from your own blog...

Regardless, please do not fear, my loyal readers, as things are about to pick up again!

Monday, 16 September 2013

If It's Not One Thing...'s another!! Here I was thinking that my desk was oh-so-close to being finished and that I could very soon be posting the final pictures. And then I did something I probably should have done before I even started working on it... I measured the old handles.

Friday, 13 September 2013

Finished Product!

Well this post has been a LONG time coming... but I have finally finished Furniture Rehab Attempt #1!!!

Just as a quick refresher for those of you who may not remember, or who have not read my previous posts, I have recently developed an interest in rejuvenating old wood furniture. I have purchased several pieces of furniture via Kijiji that are tired, worn out, and in need of some definite TLC. The last purchase I made was two retro nightstands that had been painted by the owner at the time.

Thursday, 5 September 2013

First Big Hurdle

Well folks, I have encountered by first big hurdle, which has resulted in a bit of a setback regarding my 30 day gluten free challenge...

Monday, 2 September 2013

Gluten Free - Day #2

Well day #2 of my 30 day gluten free challenge was much more successful!!

As I explained in yesterday's post, knowing that I couldn't have any of the bread or dessert we have in our house made me want it even more! So I held true to my goals and spent my afternoon making the following:

Furniture Rehab - Attempt #2

I know, I know - I haven't even posted the results from Furniture Rehab - Attempt #1 and here I am posting about #2!

Not to worry, attempt #2 caught up to attempt #1 so now they should be finished around the same time. That means lots of results all at once! I'm super excited (mostly to not be covered in paint anymore) and hope you are too! We are talking weeks and weeks of effort here.

But enough of that, on to the story of attempt #2...

Sunday, 1 September 2013

Gluten Free - Day #1

Well folks, today marks day #1of my 30 day gluten free challenge! And let me tell you... challenge was definitely the right word for today!

Yesterday I went grocery shopping and was shocked at the amount of money I spent! However, I've been trying to make myself feel better by telling myself that going gluten free basically means starting over. I might as well not have any of that food in the pantry as most of it is now inedible.

I woke up this morning excited about trying new recipes and starting this new lifestyle. But I was also worried - what would I eat!? I experienced successes and failures in the kitchen today... doesn't help that I seem to be having one of those weekends where it doesn't really matter what I try to do in the kitchen, something will go wrong!

So what did I eat, you ask?