So now I have discovered that the old handles are not "standard" size, which is apparently 96 mm from hole-to-hole or center-to-center as they say. Nope, of course mine are 108 mm, which appears to be one of the most random sizes ever in existence!
This disheartens me slightly as I was already having a difficult time finding handles that I was as much in love with as I was the glass knobs for my two night stands. Especially since I have decided I absolutely MUST have chrome handles to go with the shiny theme I have planned for this room. And I am just not satisfied with the standard, boring half-arc that is typically a chrome handle.
So I suppose this leaves me with three options:
- I can continue my hunt online for chrome handles that are 4 1/2 inches (108mm) from center to center.
- I can fill in the current holes, which means filling, sanding, re-priming, re-painting, and re-coating with protective poly.
- I can keep the old ones and just clean them up.
Yikes! I would really like to avoid option 2 if I can, but I've been searching online quite a bit over the last couple of days and am not having any luck finding the right size, nevermind the right finish! I suppose the easiest option would be keeping the old handles but they have definitely seen better days and I'm just not in love with them.
So the trials and tribulations continue.
Until next time...
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