Monday, 2 September 2013

Gluten Free - Day #2

Well day #2 of my 30 day gluten free challenge was much more successful!!

As I explained in yesterday's post, knowing that I couldn't have any of the bread or dessert we have in our house made me want it even more! So I held true to my goals and spent my afternoon making the following:

Gluten Free Bread
I got this recipe from Danielle Walker's Against All Grain cookbook and I have to say, it's pretty delicious. I'm not so sure it holds up to my forever love, white bread, but at least I feel like I can continue to eat it! As with most gluten free breads, it didn't rise much, but I have a plan for next time that I read about on another blog to see if I can at least get it not to sink while it's cooling.

Orange Cranberry Muffins
This also came from my Against All Grain cookbook, and was slightly less successful than my bread experiment in terms of appearances. But despite that, they are actually quite tasty!! Much more crumbly than regular muffins that have gluten in them, but I think part of that may be because of the kind of almond flour I used and the fact that I didn't sift it as per the instructions. Once I have something to sift with I will try it for next time!

Now for the breakdown on what I ate today!

Fruit Salad

Leftovers - Slow Cooker Sesame Orange Chicken
Just as tasty as yesterday! This dish has also been SO approved, as long as I give it more spice next time.

BBQ'd Pork Chop with Roasted Butternut Squash
This was my back-up - On my meal plan I had scheduled Spicy Tex Mex Meatballs for tonight's supper but forgot to take out the ground beef. Not to worry, now you know what I'm having for supper tomorrow night! Regardless, still an enjoyable supper tonight.

Now I suppose I must confess... I did cheat just a little tonight. My SO just got back from a long weekend motorcycle trip and brought me a cinnamon bun from a restaurant we went to once specifically for the cinnamon buns, but they were sold out at that time. So I did have a couple of bites... it will be interesting to see if I notice a difference this early on.

All-in-all, it was quite a successful day! Let's see how my first day back at work as a gluten free individual goes...

So until next time...


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