Monday, 4 November 2013

Countdown Begins...

A couple of blog posts ago I announced that I had officially booked my very first tropical vacation! In the weeks since, I have made a couple of decisions:

1) I need new bathing suits! I don't know what your thoughts are, but I feel that an exciting event such as this warrants a bit of shopping. I would say it's similar to what people say when they have some big fancy event to go to - "I must buy a new dress!". So, I have hit up Victoria's Secret and should have 3 new swimsuits arriving within the next week or two :). Which led me to decision number 2...

2) I need to spend some quality time working on the body that will be going in to those new swimsuits! Nothing crazy! Just a bit of toning really. And, of course, avoiding leftover Halloween candy like it's the plague! Now that's easier said than done, but I must say I'm doing better than even I expected with that one. Saturday was Day 1 at the gym. I had it all planned out - a bit of cardio, lots of weights, squats, and abs. As I'm working my way around the gym I thought to myself "wow, this really isn't going that bad!". Cut to the next afternoon and I was singing a totally different tune. My stomach was pleasantly sore, but my legs... yikes! As long as I didn't move there wasn't a problem, but walking showed itself to be a significant hurdle. Even today I find myself still struggling, but I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end! My goal is to hit the gym 5 days a week so... we shall see how that goes.

As part of all of this prep work for our trip, I am also making every effort to eat healthy. Or at least, to reduce the amount of junk I'm eating...

So last night I tried something new for supper again. Behold!

Spaghetti Squash Casserole with Gluten Free Polish Sausages.

It doesn't really look all that healthy does it... but I promise there are just a few simple ingredients thrown in there: spaghetti squash, peppers, onions, kale and pasta sauce with a little bit of cheese baked on top. The sausages are just plain, fried up.

This was my first ever attempt at making, as well as eating, a spaghetti squash and I think it was successful for the most part. I was actually quite excited by the process (the SO, much less so - I was heartbroken when he didn't exclaim at the "spaghetti" strings as I used a fork to extract them). I found that the sauce was a little watery when I took the casserole out of the oven. Not sure if that's a result of the sqaush, but that's what I'm betting on. I would only make one major change for next time - more seasoning. I think I'd probably throw a bit of garlic, red pepper flakes and maybe some hot sauce in there just to jazz it up a bit. But overall, it went well! And of course, the leftovers will make an excellent lunch for the next couple of days!

On a completely unrelated note, our city was blessed with our very first snowfall last night (and I use the term "blessed" very loosely). I personally did not appreciate the full day of rain that preceded the blowing snow overnight and the resulting skating rink that is our city streets... that vacay cannot come soon enough!

Oh, Canada.

Anyways, until next time...



  1. I'm doing the same thing! I'm doing the gluten included edition of the get-ready-for-tropics-slim-down but I'm lacking your motivation to avoid the halloween candy. Where are you going? We're headed to Puerto Rico - a favorite of mine. Good luck with your diet and have fun in the tropics!
    New follower - Whit from Raspy Wit

    1. Hi Whit! It's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling to avoid temptation. We are headed to Cuba! If you have a favorite place to go I can only assume you've been to a few... I'd be interested in any tips/tricks you may have to share with a first-timer!
