Monday, 13 January 2014

NEW RECIPE! Zucchini Cookies

I am slowly getting back into the routine of work. Last week was a tough one though! For several reasons...

First: waking up to an alarm. Yikes! After two weeks you start to get used to waking up gently and whenever your body feels like it. Then you add in the fact that it's still dark outside and your body totally rebels.

Second: winter. Ahh, what I wouldn't give to be back in Cuba or some other tropical location where it's 30 degrees above zero instead of 30 degrees below! This view (where we spent at least 5 hours per day while on our little vacay) says it all:

The colder than average temperatures we've been experiencing since getting back have made it seem even worse. Wish this would have happened while we were away... On the bright side, it has just recently started to warm up a bit so I guess that should count for something!

Third: actually having to be at work. I wouldn't call myself a lazy person by any stretch, but man did it feel good to not have to do anything I didn't want to do while on break. Now it's back to reality!

With all that said, I imagine it won't take long to get back into the swing of things and 2 week off will be nothing but a sweet memory.

In other news, we have made a few huge strides on the house renovations! We finished painting the basement late Friday night and the guys came to start hanging doors and doing the trim down there Saturday morning. Which means the trim is FINALLY out of the living room upstairs (hip, hip HOORAY!). I was so excited to have my beloved living room back I got right to it, doing the final touch-up painting, cleaning off all of the long-unused and neglected furniture and putting everything in it's place. Pics to follow soon! Just finishing off a few minor details, you know, the strategic placement of knick-knacks etc.

Coming up next - filling all of the holes and then painting the trim. After that we are literally just down to cleaning up again and putting all of the furniture back! I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! I am very excited to take a couple of months off from renovating before we get started on the bathrooms upstairs. At this point we have officially been renovating for 1 year and 3 months. Yikes...

I spent a bit of what little spare time I had this weekend trying out a new recipe, courtesy of Two Peas & Their Pod. On their blog they are called Zucchini Cookies with Chocolate Chips and Dried Cranberries but for the purposes of simplifying things I have been referring to them simply as Zucchini Cookies. (Maybe I am lazy?)

I decided I was going to go big or go home, so I made a double batch! First I figured, with the SO around any sort of baking doesn't last long. And second, in my experience you don't get many cookies out of only one batch. Maybe part of this also stems from the fact that I group up as one of 5 kids... you split food between that many people and it never seems like much! In this instance, though, I probably could have done with just the single batch... I got somewhere in the ballpark of 60 cookies out of this!

I gotta say, they are quite delicious! I feel like I can tell myself they are healthy because of the oats and the fact that you can see the shredded zucchini in them. I'm not sure that's actually the case but... hey! I'm personally OK with that. I can also confirm as of today that they make tasty lunch treats!

For the recipe click here and give it a try!

Have you come across any random blog recipes you'd like to share? I'm always looking for something new to try!

So until next time...


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