Thursday 9 October 2014

Taco Salad

I am a home-body. And that has never been more clear to me than it is now, after 4 weeks of traveling for work. Sleeping in my own bed is glorious! Eating my own food, even better. While it is slowing down, the traveling has not completely stopped yet... this weekend my SO and I will be traveling to visit my family for Thanksgiving, and then I have a few more work-related trips planned. But I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

As I have only been home for, on average, 2 days per week for the last 4 weeks, I haven't been doing a whole lot of cooking (sad face). And, when I have had time to cook, I've tried to select meals that don't require a whole lot of effort. One such meal we've had recently... taco salad.

Normally when I make taco salad it's pretty boring... a handful of lettuce, the usual taco fixings on top, with some Doritos and a bit of dressing. This time isn't really that much different... except I decided I wanted a taco shell bowl, like you get in the restaurants. So that's what I did!

It's simple enough to do... I placed one of our cereal bowls upside down on a cookie sheet and sprayed it with some cooking oil. Then, I took my taco shell and warmed it up in the microwave so it would be pliable, and wrapped it around the cereal bowl. Once I was satisfied with placement (soooo not a big deal) I put the whole thing in the oven at 350 for about 10-15 minutes (or, the one day at lunch, 5 minutes under the broiler because I didn't have the patience), keeping an eye on it to ensure it didn't burn. When you take it out, it's still pretty soft but if you let it sit for a few minutes it crisps up and is much closer to what you likely have in mind.

Then, just add your fixings!

And TA-DA! Taco salad.

Funny story... not sure if you would have noticed, but I actually had forgotten to add the meat to this when I took this picture... and until I was halfway done eating it. Silly me!

Nothing fancy for this blog post, folks! But sometimes you gotta keep it simple, stupid.

Plus... I have more exciting things to share with you another day. (Think cheesecake...)

So until next time...


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